The Girl's Best Buddy
When in a warm sunny day, out of the blue, you thought of cleaning your room and you found something in your closet. Something that is old, but makes you reminisce those forgotten moments. Something that makes you remember a vague memory, but once you saw it you are excited to feel and embrace that emotion again. Nostalgia it is! Something that can be considered as rusty, but haunted you in your dreams, a ghost in your past. Something that became your buddy and never leave your side every time you needed a friend. A companion, a listener where you can freely express all your thoughts and all your unpublished feelings because you know you can't and you know you shouldn't, publicly.

"Don't trust your memory, jot it all down
because keeping a journal will change your life in ways you'd never imagine."
Yes, you may find your old handy dandy notepad where almost of your PAST secrets, wish, hopes, wants and dramas were written. Be it a simple quote, a lyric of a song or just an emotional piece of you, you never failed to jot down every detailed about it. Stories of insecurity, jealousy or a little sentiment of a girl who is just happy and like things to be pretty. An article of hilarious gossips between you and your friends or a just those telltales of jokes and comedy or even those complicated, unexplained doodles that were drawn which makes your notes looks like a little bit messy. It doesn't matter what you write on your personal memo, because you know it won't reply back. It will never will.
Did you happen to own one? Did you pour out your feelings by writing and boom, you instantly feel better? Did you have those bad days and you have no one to talk to, but the pen and that notes that beautifully puff some magic? Did you write something under the sky while gazing those million stars wishing everything you compose will soon become true?
"I just saw him today, did you see my eyes glitter? 😍😍😍"
"Would he ask me to come with him in our prom? Hope he'll be my first dance."
"My sister is totally a brat, can I just hate her for five minutes? 😫
"Dear Diary, I learned that he liked my best friend a lot. I cry."
"It’s really scary how life is passing me by so quickly. Happy Birthday to me!"
🎶 I miss you like crazy even more than words can say 🎶
"I met a cute boy and I know he likes me 💕, but I’m not sure if he fancies me. Geez!"
"Forgetting you is included in my New Year's Resolution this year! Hooray!"
"I'm just a girl waiting for him to notice me. When would that be?"
🎶 Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you. Like I never ever loved no one before you. Pretty, pretty boy of mine. Just tell me you love me too. 🎶
FLAMES - Nathaniel Caste Yes! Yes! I got Lovers! 🎉🎉🎉
Will try it again!
You may laugh all you want upon re-reading those emotional moments you had or become speechless for a while because you're actually asking yourself if you really had those scenarios or worse because of too much pain and you're not yet moved on to those events in your life, you'll probably get a gallon of kerosene oil and burned it to ashes, but what the heck, those are the most beautiful souvenir you will have in your life. Maybe, yes, those letters and phrases can put a smile on your face or again break your heart in two but who cares anyway? Because you know for yourself, deep inside, that those simple passages written on that notepad once touched your heart and soul and those simple messages in one way or another made you a better and stronger person you are today.