Our Own Dance
Note: Warning! The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some audiences. Accordingly, reader's discretion is advised. =))
Our Own Dance
It was late afternoon, your finger dances along my skin
The scent of your cologne is like a heroine,
Keeping me high
Feels like I'm touching the sky.
Your lips trace to where your hands were,
Rough, unshaven cheek
I tremble when you nip,
Lips sucking..
Gently nibbling...
Heating my skin
Going down, finding my navel
Burning hot like hell.
Hands exploring...
Softly moaning...
Sweating in anticipation...
Passion building...
I close my eyes as I pull your hair..
That sensation I cannot bare,
Fire spreads thru my my veins.
I moan and scream, can't catch my breathe
Your moves make me burn in every curve and turn
Those sensations kills me
As your hands explore my body.
Kissing me...
Sucking me...
Teasing and pleasing infinitely.
Fast... I want your move faster.
I want this urge to take me hard, rough and deeper.